10 Nov 2017

Junior Aikido Tournament Poster Competition

The Annual Junior Aikido Tournament will be held in Japan. It welcomes not only Aikido students living in Japan but also the children who learn Aikido overseas. I hope BSP Aikido club members will join this one day! http://ryuinternational.blogspot.fr/2015/02/11th-junior-aikido-taikai.html

Luckily, we've been given the opportunity to be involved in the poster competition below! 

*Junior Aikido Tournament Poster Competition:
Searching for young artists to submit posters for a poster competition!  The winning entry will be used on the cover of the 14th Annual Junior Aikido Tournament program and all other submissions will be displayed at the tournament. 

This competition is open to all students of Yoshinkan Aikido and Associate members of the Ryu World Aikido Federation from 3 years old up to high school students.  Posters should be A4 size and can be in any medium.  The theme of the artwork should be “The Joy of Aikido”.  

The deadline for entries is Thursday the 14th of December. Please submit it to me. 

Entries should include the artist’s name, age and the name of the dojo they belong to.